Flickr Flow

Ever since Socialite introduced the Explore section of Flickr to me, I had always been fascinated by the range of high-quality photos picked out by the Flickr community. However, I quickly grew tired of the unread-item guilt and the cluttered appearance of the app and left it behind in favour of Reeder and Twitter for Mac. There was no way of exploring Flickr on my iPod touch or iPad which was simple, clutter-free, and allowed me to easily favourite my favourite photos.

From this void, Flickr Flow was born.

Flickr Flow iPad screenshot

Flickr Flow is a refreshingly simple iOS app which solves this need. Photos can be browsed and favourited. The interface really gets out of the way: the description bar fades away automatically allowing you to just see the photo. The landscape iPhone view is a clear demonstration of this: it’s just about the pictures:

Flickr Flow iPhone landscape screenshot

To favourite the image, just tap on the image to display the description view and hit the favourite button:

Flickr Flow image description view

Flickr Flow has enabled me to explore the vibrant and interesting photos available on Flickr on my iOS devices without the clutter. If you’re interested, download it from the App Store for free. Flickr Flow is no longer available on the App Store.